Associate Professor in multiple disciplines
Chair of the Sociology/Anthropology Department
Teaching Area
- PhD, Archaeology, University of Cambridge, UK
- MPhil, University of Cambridge, UK
- BA, University of Reading, UK
- 618.374.5587
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"When you love your subject, you have to share that love, and when you discover insights through research, it is natural to want to impart them. However, it is not quite so altruistic—students have some great ideas, too, so teaching is also great for research!"
Before moving to the United States, Dr. Andrew Martin held research positions at the University of Cambridge and the University of Bournemouth and taught at the University of Leicester and in various capacities at the University of Cambridge in England. He specializes in the art and archaeology of the Hopewell people, who lived along the Principia bluffs, and the culture of Stonehenge in Great Britain – organizing excavations of both cultures for Principia Students. Archaeology, as a naturally multidisciplinary field, has prepared him well to teach in multiple departments at Principia.
Scholarly Interests
Apart from recreating prehistoric worlds, Martin is interested in object agency and symbolic warfare in ancient, modern and non-western cultures and has published a book and several articles on the subject. He teaches in Art History, Sociology, Anthropology and Archaeology, and shares findings from each of these disciplines and others in his classes, believing that students should develop the ability to borrow ideas from multiple disciplines.
Contributions to Field
- Organized two major conferences
- Published a book, four articles, presented seventeen papers at professional conferences, and gave nine invited talks
Memberships and Affiliations
- College Art Association
- Society for American Archaeology
- The Prehistoric Society
Selected Publications
- Archaeology Beyond Post-Modernity: A Science of the Social, Altamira Press, Maryland, 2013.
- “The Alien Within: The Forgotten Sub-cultures of Early Bronze Age Wessex.” Beyond the Core: Reflections on Regionality in Prehistory, Oxbow, Oxford, 2011.
- “Agents in Inter-Action: Bruno Latour and Agency.” The Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 12, no. 4 (2005), pp. 283-311.
- “Gathering Hopewell: Society, Ritual, and Ritual Interaction.” Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 18, issue 3 (2008).
- “Online Museum Databases: Techniques for Democratizing the Past.” Modes Association 42 (2007).
For additional publications and presentations, please see the CV below.