Health and Safety Adjournment
The Health & Safety Adjournment (HSA) is a provision that allows the Dean of Students, with approval from the President, to send students home to be supported by family to work through issues related to:
- the student’s health and/or safety
- issues that impact the health and/or safety of other students and Staff
Examples of when this might be needed include:
- thoughts, expressions, threats, or attempts at self-harm (including cutting, eating disorders, suicide)
- thoughts, expressions, threats, or actualized violence
- depression, instability, emotional or other mental health concerns
- communicable health concerns
- health concerns that cannot be reasonably supported by the institution
This provision includes notification of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and may, depending on timing during the term and feasibility (as supported by faculty and deans), allow for the student to finish course work from home (especially if the adjournment occurs near the end of the term). Students are not eligible to stay on campus or work on campus during an HSA. Requests for rare exceptions may be made through the Dean or Assistant Dean of Students (for example, attending the graduation of a sibling while escorted by a family member or a Principia employee).
Students on HSA status will need to reapply to return and should contact the Director of Admissions to learn the process once the concern leading to the HSA has been resolved. As the definition of the word "adjournment" implies, the HSA may be temporary or permanent. The HSA provision is an expression of Principia's care for the safety and well-being of every student and our community.