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Elliott Matthiesen (C’22)

Assembly Process Engineering Intern, Allegion PLC

Not many college students can say they spent their summer helping a company secure $220,000 in annual savings. But that’s exactly what Elliott did during his internship at Allegion PLC, where he designed a process to generate greater consistency and reduced operator interaction for one of their automated manufacturing cells. 

Elliott relied on the computer-aided design (CAD) and machining skills he learned at Principia, in addition to the communication and presentation experiences he had in his classes. The internship not only required essential design capabilities but the ability to report research findings and present a compelling argument for his proposed design.

It was Allegion’s dedication to “serving others and not yourself” that drew Elliott to the company, and his liberal arts background and leadership experiences are what appealed to Allegion.

Elliott appreciates his ability to participate in a variety of activities at Principia, which he doesn’t feel he could do at other engineering schools. The intimate environment of a small school and the professors’ approach to classes appeal to him.

“The professors here care more about their students. If you’re struggling, they help. That’s suited me well here.”

Elliott has served as student body vice president, in Student Senate, CSO, and on his house board. He participated in varsity tennis and solar car in addition to being a summer research assistant, Chemistry TA, and resident assistant.

Must-Take Course: Native American Cultures

Favorite Principia Moment: Watching my brother graduate from Principia.

Dream Job: Engineering Manager at a medium to large company, preferably in the aerospace or automotive industry.

Advice for Incoming College Students: Ask questions and reach out to people. It can be really helpful as long as you take the first step.

Elliott Allegion