Professor of Educational Studies
Chair of the Educational Studies Department
Teaching Area
- EdD, Curriculum Design and Instruction, McKendree University
- EdS, McKendree University
- MS, Montana State University
- MAT, Webster University
- BA, Principia College
- 618.374.5254
- Send a message to Dr. Stewart.
“I love the educational studies program because of the authentic opportunity to focus on students' relationships to themselves, their community, and the world through the study and practice of leadership, communication, reflection, character development, and collaboration.”
Lauren Stewart is a graduate of Principia Upper School and College. She joined the College faculty in 2010 after teaching at North Central Michigan College for nine years. She holds two master's degrees in education and an education specialist degree in curriculum and instruction, as well as a doctorate in curriculum and instruction. With her expertise in outdoor and experiential education, Stewart helped redesign the educational studies program as well as design the program's new outdoor and experiential theory and practice concentration. Having traveled to over 20 countries, Stewart shares her global and intercultural experiences in her on-campus courses and through study abroad programs. She has led five study abroad programs and has another one in the planning stages.
Scholarly Interests
- Excellence and rigor in outdoor and experiential education
- Communication
- Leadership
- Global citizenship and intercultural competence
- Tourism, adventure education, recreation, and leisure studies
Contributions to Field
Stewart’s study abroad programs are known for being technology-free so that students fully immerse themselves in the experience and in their traveling community. The technology-free framework allows students to grow as much as possible in their understanding of global citizenship and intercultural communication. Stewart's dissertation was on the topic of unplugged study abroad experiences.
Teacher of the Year, North Central Michigan College, 2009
Memberships and Affiliations
- Association for Experiential Education
- Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
- Wilderness Education Association
- Adventure Tourism Research Association
- European Outdoor Education Association
Publications and Presentations
- "Development of an Interdisciplinary Outdoor Education Degree Program," Outdoor Leadership Conference, 2015
- “Unveil Greatness and Use Your Pebble of Influence,” New Parent/New Student Orientation, Principia College, 2017
- “Developing Pedagogy While Designing Outdoor Teaching Tool Kits,” Outdoor Leadership Conference, 2017
- "Technology Mediated Outdoor Experiences — What Are the Consequences?," European Outdoor Education Conference, 2018
- Stewart, L.S. (2018). A phenomenological study of unplugged college students on a short-term study abroad (Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest Dissertation Publishing. (10816046)